About us

Print Design Advertising – Production of Advertising Materials.

Who are we?

Our company boasts over 19 years of experience in the production of advertising materials . This experience is found in the place of honor in every product that comes out on the doorstep of our company. In our way of working, seriousness prevails, the emphasis being on quality and on meeting the deadlines.

We offer complete solutions even for the most demanding and unconventional applications: creation, DTP, design, production, finishing and assembly regardless of location, internal or external, having experience in this meaning (advertising materials made and edited for companies in the Netherlands, Croatia, Bulgaria).

Print Design Advertising thanks the customers who trusted us and who
motivated us to evolve and become better and better in this field!


Print Design Advertising thanks the customers who trusted us and who motivated us to evolve and become better and better in this field!


We use sustainable packaging, EU certified ink (GREENGUARD), recyclable materials.

We have resorted to the use of sustainable packaging for several reasons: social responsibility, reducing the carbon footprint, reducing the amount of waste, creating an environmentally friendly relationship.

In this sense, in order to reduce the volume of waste to be recycled, we purchased a press for baling waste.

Our team believes in taking a holistic approach when developing new packaging concepts.

If a new type of packaging helps us to deliver quality products, while reducing the impact on the environment, we consider it a gain for our company, for our consumers and for our planet!

we use sustainable packaging

The Print Design Advertising company is the only company in Romania that holds accreditation for the production of advertising materials needed by a top international brand originating in France.

The accreditation process lasted more than 12 months and was carried out in several stages. It started with the verification of the quality of the materials, the quality of the print, the evaluation of the graphics department and culminated with an audit carried out by the company INTERTEK . It was completed without any further action. We are very proud of that.

  • sustainable packaging shows social responsibility
  • reduce your carbon footprint, reduce shipping costs
  • packaging optimization (designed to minimize inefficiency)
  • consumers are willing to spend their money on sustainable products
  • made of healthy, durable materials
  • disposal options support recycling and / or composting
  • the design is optimized to maintain product quality

The Print Design Advertising experience is confirmed by our clients:

The Print Design Advertising experience is confirmed by our clients:
